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Report 2023-24



Corporate Carbon Footprint

Total GHG emissions

Product Carbon Footprint


  • 1.6

    Accident frequency rate: With an accident frequency rate of 1.6, thyssenkrupp Materials Services was able to remain below its own targets for the third year in a row.

  • 20.9

    Women in leadership positions: With more than 20 percent women in leadership, we are approaching our "fair share" target, which reflects the proportion of women in the total workforce.


Governance – Ratings underline leading ESG position of thyssenkrupp Group

  • 5

    CDP A-Rating - CDP has included thyssenkrupp in its Climate A List. This makes thyssenkrupp one of the 5 % of companies assessed to have made it into the best category.

  • 20

    MSCI: thyssenkrupp is among the top 20 % of companies in the same sector rated by MSCI.

  • 15

    Ecovadis: Awarded with the silver-medal for being among the top 15 % of the companies assessed in the same sector

  • 7

    Sustainalaytics: In the top 7% of the "Industrial Congomerates" sector in 2023


CDP A-Rating - CDP has included thyssenkrupp in its Climate A List. This makes thyssenkrupp one of the 5 % of companies assessed to have made it into the best category.


MSCI: thyssenkrupp is among the top 20 % of companies in the same sector rated by MSCI.


Ecovadis: Awarded with the silver-medal for being among the top 15 % of the companies assessed in the same sector


Sustainalaytics: In the top 7% of the "Industrial Congomerates" sector in 2023