Despite ambitious climate protection targets and a wide range of measures to reduce the ecological footprint, companies are usually faced with unavoidable residual emissions at the end of a fiscal year. The question of how to deal with these remaining emissions, which cannot be completely avoided despite the use of all currently available options, is therefore inescapable. Current developments, such as the growing demand for sustainable financing and EU taxonomy requirements, are increasingly steering global capital flows towards a more climate-friendly economy. In order to successfully reduce emissions in the long term, it will be crucial in the coming years to pursue a comprehensive sustainability strategy. Against this backdrop, thyssenkrupp Materials Services offers a solution with its Voluntary Carbon Credit Desk to effectively meet these challenges and offset residual emissions in a targeted manner.
The central requirement for companies in different industries is to reduce the carbon footprint that is released into the atmosphere throughout the entire production and life cycle of a product, while leaving behind as few emissions as possible. However, there are many challenges to making this a reality. For example, how should the remaining emissions be handled? When all reduction measures have been exhausted, the purchase of Voluntary Carbon Credits (VCCs) is a starting point to meet ambitious climate targets. Carbon credits offer companies a market-based approach to compensate their own carbon footprint while simultaneously implementing sustainability concepts.
Symbolizing Carbon Credit Desk by thyssenkrupp Materials Trading
But which projects are actually effective and reliable? And above all: How can VCCs be integrated and implemented into a targeted sustainability management? The experts at thyssenkrupp Materials Trading, a subsidiary of thyssenkrupp Materials Services, answer these questions and provide advice through the Voluntary Carbon Credit Desk.
Carbon credits not only have a positive impact on the environment and society, but are also currently the only way to offset emissions that have not otherwise been decarbonized. It is crucial that the invested funds flow into carefully selected climate protection projects, double counting is avoided, and additionality is prioritized. Corresponding climate protection measures must therefore be additional to what is already legally required or expected. At thyssenkrupp Materials Trading, we rely on quality-based carbon credits that are assessed according to the Oxford criteria.
Wolfgang Schnittker, CEO thyssenkrupp Materials TradingWe not only recommend the Voluntary Carbon Credit Desk service to our customers, but also use it ourselves. Whether for offsetting business activities or internal events – just in the last fiscal year, we offset the corporate carbon footprint and thus 495 tons of CO₂ for the headquarters of thyssenkrupp Materials Services. Any company on the path to a sustainable business model can complement its climate strategy with CO₂ compensation.
The purchase of carbon credits is a transparent and results-oriented instrument. This is because VCCs are used for the one-time and final compensation of emissions. Such projects include investments in measures to increase energy efficiency, reforestation initiatives, renewable energies, as well as the avoidance and utilization of methane emissions.
In the long term, high-quality voluntary carbon credits will be indispensable for climate protection. A conscious approach is therefore essential and represents a key addition to any corporate sustainability strategy.